Author: <span>Steve Botsford</span>

General Interest

The whole world seems to be going digital, so should faith formation? An exploration the virtual world of education provides many examples of how technology can be used for the digital catechesis of our…

Digital Catechesis

According to the Catholic Church… Families are domestic churches, the smallest Christian communities, whose daily practices are acts of Christian discipleship. “Parents should, by word and example, be the first…

Faith at Home

A recent area of interest is that of the Liturgical Year and how to incorporate it within the realm of catechesis. Interestingly, the process should happen the other way around!…

Church Year

General Interest

Welcome to Transforming Catechesis! This site is devoted to helping catechists – and anyone desiring to share the faith – find fresh and effective ways of reaching people with the Good…

General Interest