8 Types of Catechists: Which One are You?

8 Types of CatechistsHere’s a humorous look at many of the different types of catechists. Which one are you? Of course, you may possess multiple catechist types in the classroom, but which one is dominant? While this review is meant to be satirical, it is interesting to think about how we might be interpreted by our students!

The Disciplinarian

Also known as “your worst nightmare,” the disciplinarian may be the least revered by students. Easily spotted, the disciplinarian will halt all learning by calling out any student who is not sitting properly, communicating with other students, or not listening (as identified by doodling, nodding off, or not looking at the catechist). Disciplinarians have been known to carry a ruler or some other attention getting device and feel good when students walk silently in single file.

The Storyteller

The virtual opposite of the Disciplinarian, Storytellers know how to get and keep attention. They turn everything into an adventure and have been known to dress up as Saints or read a story using multiple voices. Storytellers are so committed to storytelling that they may even try to turn students into storyteller by having them attempt to use the techniques modeled in class!

The Friendly Guy/Gal

The Friendly catechist wants to be liked. Often, the Friendly catechist have students call them by their first name. Friendly catechists spend a lot of time affirming students and call them pet names like “buddy,” or “sweetie.” The relationship is key because if the students know they have a friend in the catechist, they will always have a friend at church!

The Loving Catechist

Similar to the Friendly Catechist, the Loving catechist wants the students to know they are loved. Loving catechists consistently share the message of God’s love for them, no matter what! They can always find God’s love in scripture and are quick to point it out.

The Musician

Let’s face it, musicians LOVE music! Musicians will incorporate music at any possible opportunity. Musicians have music playing as students come into class and frequently use songs for meditation or use instrumental music during student work time. Many will bring instruments into the class and perform favorite pieces, often original compositions! If there is a musician around you better bet there will be music!

The Task Master

These catechists always seem to be preoccupied with getting through the lesson, at all costs. Relationships take a back seat to Task Masters as current events or personal struggles of students never enter into their mind. Task Masters will talk over the announcements, cut someone off who talks too long, or rush through an important topic just to stay on track!

The Dreamer

Dreamers have a grandiose idea of catechesis. They are happy to be there and imagine a classroom full of angels. Dreamers often see what they want to see by overlooking inappropriate behavior. They simply give students the benefit of the doubt. Dreamers envision a perfect world where everyone appreciates the message as much as they do!

The Talker

The Talker never stops talking. This is most evidenced when asking a question they answer it before students can answer. They talk about what they know, what they are interested in, and continue on long after the question has been answered!

There are many more types of catechists. So, what type are you?


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